The Sacrament of Confirmation
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated each year in the parish, usually in late February, and the period of preparation is from the beginning of January. The program begins with the celebration of Mass for all the candidates, their families, sponsors and catechists. Subsequently the candidates meet on a Saturday Morning.
During the course of the six months the candidates have the opportunity of celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Confirmation is open to young people who belong to our parish who wish to be confirmed. Candidates must be in year 8 or above at school (i.e. have reached the age of 13 by the time of Confirmation). Application forms can be obtained from the Presbytery or from the Parish Priest.
The focus of our catechesis is to support young people in the living out of their faith, encouraging them:
- to see that they are valued in themselves,
- to help them value and appreciate others who are different
- to be open the receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit
- to help them relate to the Person of Jesus and grow in personal prayer
- to understand that they have role to play in the Church and society
- to see the Church and its teachings as relevant in their lives.