Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion for Children

The ‘First Holy Communion Program’ runs from early January to May. The program aims to help Children understand who they are in relation to God and to the World as well as attempting to give them an experience of him.  The sacrament of reconciliation is looked at so that children can experience a joyful celebration of the sacrament of Reconciliation.  Then children are helped to understand what the Mass is, what the mission of the Church is and what a wonderful privilege it is to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist.
During the program sessions are held for parents to help them understand what their children are doing as well as experience God in a new deeper way as teachers of the faith to their children.
Your Catechists will guide you each week and together you will learn that God is your loving Father who never stops loving you, whatever happens. He cares for you, your family and your friends all the time. You will learn more and more about Jesus and get to know him as your special friend who loves you so much that he wants to give himself to you in Holy Communion. At the end of the program you will be able to receive Jesus for the first time in Holy Communion.

For further information contact the Parish Priest.
